november 2023

Prosess Ingeniør

Prosess Ingeniør Biowater Technology søker en entusiastisk person som blir motivert av å utvikle de beste prosessløsningene for avløpsvannbehandling. Den unike posisjonen som tilbys av vårt selskap involverer hvert trinn i løsningsutvikling og implementering, fra avløpsvannanalyse og design, igangkjøring og optimalisering. Biowaters egne teknologier: Forkunnskaper om disse teknologiene er en klar fordel. I tillegg til […]

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Project Engineer

Project Engineer Biowater Technology AS is experiencing increased demand, and we are looking to expand our team. We are looking for an experienced Project Engineer. A technical role for a dedicated and enthusiastic individual to join our project team, delivering solutions to the wastewater industry. The role is office based, and site based with projects

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Project Manager

Project Manager Biowater Technology AS is experiencing increased demand, and we are looking to expand our team. We are looking for an experienced Project Manager. An operational role for a dedicated and enthusiastic individual leading multiple project execution from contract award to handover and optimization. Skills Experience / Qualifications: Responsibilities: Location: Mail:

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